How to Unjailbreak Ios 13.5

How to Unjailbreak Ios 13.5 [Best Tips For Unjailbreak]

To un-jailbreak your iOS device, you will need to follow simple steps. First, you will need to put your device into DFU mode. To do this, connect your device to your computer and turn it off.

Once it is off, hold down the power button and home button simultaneously for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, release the power button but continue holding the home button until iTunes detects your device in recovery mode. Once your device is in DFU mode, you can now restore it to its factory settings.

To do this, open iTunes and select your device from the sidebar. In the Summary tab, click on Restore iPhone or Restore iPad. It depends on which device you have. A pop-up window will appear asking if you want to restore your device to its factory settings. Then,  click on Restore and Update to confirm it. 


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What is Unjailbroken an iPhone?

What is Unjailbroken an iPhone

Unjailbroken refers to a device, typically an iPhone or iPad. It has not undergone the process of jailbreaking. Jailbreaking is the act of removing software restrictions imposed by Apple on their devices. It allows users to gain access to unauthorized apps, customizations, and system-level tweaks.


Unjailbroken devices, on the other hand, remain in their original state as intended by Apple. This means they are limited to using only the official App Store and adhering to Apple’s guidelines and restrictions. While jailbreaking can offer users more control and customization options.


It also comes with potential risks such as security vulnerabilities and voiding warranties. Therefore, unjailbroken devices are often preferred by users who prioritize stability and security over customization options.

Read More: 

Backup your device before unjailbreaking

It’s always a good practice to back up your device before making any major changes, such as unjailbreaking. Backing up ensures that you don’t lose any important data or settings in the process.


So, before proceeding with unjailbreaking, take a few moments to create a backup of your device. This simple step will provide you with peace of mind and make it easier to restore your data if needed.


Use a Trusted Tool or Method for Unjailbreaking

When it comes to unjailbreaking your device, it’s crucial to use a trusted tool or method. With so many options available, it’s important to do your research and choose one that is well-known and reliable.


 A Step-By-Step Guide to Unjailbreaking iOS 13.5


How to Unjailbreak


  • Open up Cydia and tap on the “Changes” tab
  • Next, tap on the “Refresh” button in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Once your device has finished refreshing, you should see a listing for “Unjailbreak iOS 13
  • ” Tap on this listing.
  • Tap on the “Install” button in the top right corner of the screen.
  • You will now see a confirmation message asking if you are sure you want to install this package.
  • Tap on the “Confirm” button to continue.
  • Once installation is complete, reboot your device and it will be unjailbroken!


Read More: How to Unjailbreak iOS 7.1.2- Ultimate Guide


Can You Unjailbreak Ios?

When you jailbreak your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. It gives you access to features and functions. That are not available on a stock device. But what happens if you change your mind? Can you unjailbreak iOS and return your device to its original state?

The short answer is yes, but the process is not as simple as just clicking a button. In fact, depending on how you go about it. Unjailing your device can be quite complicated. And there’s always the possibility that something could go wrong. so proceed with caution.

If you’re sure you want to unjailbreak your iOS device. The first thing you need to do is put it into DFU mode. This stands for Device Firmware Upgrade and allows you to update the firmware on your device without using iTunes or a computer. To do this:

1. Turn off your device by holding down the Power button until the “slide to power off” slider appears.


2. Slide the slider to turn off your device. 3. Press and hold down the Power button for 3 seconds.

4. While continuing to hold down the Power button, press and hold down the Volume Down button for 10 seconds.


5.  Release both buttons when the Apple logo appears on-screen (this may take up to 15 seconds).


You should now see a black screen with white text telling you to connect your device to iTunes; this means that your device is in DFU mode.


Can iOS 13 Be Jailbroken?

Yes, iOS 13 can be jailbroken. However, the process is not as simple as it was in previous versions of iOS. In order to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad running iOS 13. You will need to use a special jailbreak tool such as checkra1n or unc0ver.

Once you have jailbroken your device. You will be able to install third-party applications and tweaks that are not available through the App Store. You will also be able to customize your device to a greater extent than is possible with a non-jailbroken device. However, it should be noted that jailbreaking comes with some risks.

It could void your warranty and may make your device more vulnerable to security threats. Therefore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether or not to jailbreak your iOS 13 device.


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How Do I Remove Cydia from My iPhone?

There are a few different ways to remove Cydia from your iPhone. One way is to simply uninstall the Cydia app. This can be done by going into Settings > Applications and finding the Cydia app.

How Do I Remove Cydia from My iPhone

Once you have found it, tap on it and then press the Uninstall button. Another way to remove Cydia is to use a jailbreak removal tool such as SemiRestore or iLEX RAT. These tools will restore your device to its original factory state, which will remove all traces of Cydia.


How Do You Know if iPhone is Jailbroken?

If you’re not sure what jailbreaking is. It’s basically the process of removing restrictions on an iOS device. So, that you can install unauthorized apps and make other modifications. While jailbreaking used to be a complicated process. It’s now relatively simple and there are plenty of resources available online if you need help. So how do you know if your iPhone is jailbroken?

There are a few different ways to tell. First, check for a Cydia app icon on your home screen. Cydia is an app store that only contains software that has been approved by the jailbreak community. So, if it’s present on your device then that’s a pretty good indication that your iPhone is jailbroken.

Another way to tell is to look for any unusual app icons or behavior. If you see anything out of the ordinary, chances are it’s because of a jailbreak modification. For example, SBSettings is a popular tweak that allows users to quickly access system settings from the home screen.

As such, you might see an SBSettings icon where the WiFi toggle usually resides. Or maybe you’ve noticed that your battery life has improved dramatically since installing certain tweaks. Again, this could be due to jailbreak modifications. If you’re still not sure, there are some tools available (like evasi0n7) that will allow you to check if your device is jailbroken or not.

Just remember that these tools can sometimes give false positives, so don’t panic if they say your iPhone isn’t jailbroken when in reality it is!


Tips for keeping your device secure after unjailbreaking

After unjailbreaking your device, it’s essential to take some extra steps to ensure its security. Here are a few tips to help you keep your device secure:


Update your software: Make sure that your device is running on the latest version of its operating system. This will ensure that you have all the necessary security patches and updates installed.


Enable passcode or biometric authentication: Set up a strong passcode or enable biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or face recognition, to protect unauthorized access to your device.


Install reputable antivirus software: Consider installing trusted antivirus software on your device to provide an additional layer of protection against malware and other malicious threats.


Be cautious with app downloads: Only download apps from trusted sources, such as the official app stores. Avoid downloading apps from unknown or third-party sources as they may contain malware or pose a security risk.


Regularly back up your data: Regularly back up your device’s data to ensure that you can recover it in case of any security incidents or data loss. Use cloud storage or external storage devices for secure backups.



If you want to unjailbreak your iOS 13.5 device, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to remove any jailbreak tweaks and apps that you have installed. Next, you need to restore your device to its factory settings.

Finally, you need to update your device to the latest version of iOS.


Frequently Asked Questions 



Are jailbroken iPhones safe?

Jailbroken iPhones may offer more customization options. But they come with certain risks. By bypassing Apple’s security restrictions. Your device becomes more vulnerable to malware and unauthorized access. This compromises the safety and stability of your iPhone. It’s important to carefully weigh the benefits against the potential risks before deciding to jailbreak your device.


What does a jailbroken iPhone look like?

A jailbroken iPhone may look similar to a regular iPhone. But there are a few key differences. One noticeable change is the presence of third-party app stores like Cydia. Which allows users to download apps and tweaks that are not available on the official App Store. Additionally, you may find new customization options such as themes, icons, and wallpapers. It can be applied to the device’s interface. It’s important to note that these changes may void your warranty and compromise the security of your device.


Can a jailbroken iPhone get a virus?

Yes, a jailbroken iPhone is more susceptible to getting a virus compared to a non-jailbroken iPhone. By bypassing Apple’s security measures. You expose your device to potential malware and unauthorized access. It is essential to exercise caution when downloading apps from third-party sources. It regularly updates your device’s security software to minimize the risk of viruses.




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