How to Remove Apps From Vizio Smart TV

Step-by-Step Guide How to Remove Apps From Vizio Smart TV

Smart TVs, especially Vizio Smart TVs with their cool design and easy-to-use features, have become a big part of how we enjoy watching stuff. They let us use lots of different apps for streaming shows, playing games, and more. But to keep your viewing smooth without any hitches, knowing how to manage these apps is key. You might want to add new ones you like or get rid of those you don’t need anymore.

In this guide, I’ll show you exactly how to remove unwanted apps from your Vizio Smart TV step by step. We’re going into the nitty-gritty of each type of Vizio TV platform – that’s the Vizio SmartCast, the Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus), and just plain old Internet Apps (VIA). For every kind out there; I’ve got instructions on adding new apps deleting old ones, and even updating them so everything runs smoothly.

Key Highlights

  • With Vizio Smart TVs, you get a bunch of apps for streaming your favorite shows and playing games.
  • Getting to know the different platforms on Vizio TV is key if you want to handle apps better.
  • On Vizio SmartCast TVs, adding or deleting apps isn’t an option. However, casting apps from your phone works just fine.
  • If you’re using the Vizio Apps Plus or Internet Apps platforms, then yes, you can add, remove or update your apps as needed.
  • For any problems with removing apps from your smart TV? There are troubleshooting tips that could help sort things out.

Understanding Your Vizio Smart TV Model and Platform

Smart TV Model and Platform

When you’re dealing with apps on your Vizio Smart TV, it’s key to know about the different types and systems Vizio has. There are mainly three: Vizio SmartCast, Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus), and Vizio Internet Apps (VIA).

With the newest TVs from Vizio, you’ll find the SmartCast platform. This cool feature lets you send apps right from your phone or tablet straight to your TV because it has Google Chromecast built-in. For TVs that came out between 2013 and 2017, they have something called VIA Plus which is just a fancier version of VIA. The oldest ones use VIA.

By figuring out which system your smart TV uses, managing apps becomes a whole lot easier for you.

Identifying Your Vizio TV Model

Before you start getting rid of apps, it’s really important to figure out what model your Vizio TV is. Knowing the exact model helps make sure you’re looking at the right instructions and doing things that match up with your specific TV.

To find out which Vizio TV model you have, look in the manual that came with it or check for a label on its backside. If those options don’t help, reaching out to Vizio’s customer support might be your best bet. They’re there to help point you in the right direction by figuring out which model of their smart TVs you own and giving advice on how to manage apps properly.

After finding out your Vizio TV’s model number, follow a step-by-step guide tailored just for removing apps from this kind of Smart TV.

Overview of Vizio Smart TV Platforms

Vizio Smart TVs come with different platforms depending on the model and year of manufacture. Each platform offers a unique user experience and app management capabilities. Let’s take a closer look at the three main Vizio TV platforms:

  1. Vizio SmartCast: This platform is found on newer models of Vizio Smart TVs. It comes with built-in Google Chromecast functionality, allowing you to cast apps from your mobile device directly to your TV. The SmartCast platform does not support manual app installation in the traditional sense. Instead, it relies on built-in apps and casting capabilities.
  2. Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus): VIA Plus is an upgraded version of the VIA platform. It is found on Vizio TVs released between 2013 and 2017. VIA Plus allows you to install and manage apps directly on your TV.
  3. Vizio Internet Apps (VIA): The VIA platform is found on older Vizio Smart TVs released between 2009 and 2013. It offers a range of apps that you can install and manage on your TV.

Please refer to the text table below for a clearer overview of the different Vizio TV platforms:

different Vizio TV platforms



Vizio SmartCast

Found on newer models of Vizio Smart TVs

Built-in Google Chromecast functionality

Vizio Internet Apps

Found on older Vizio Smart TVs released between 2009 and 2013

Offers a range of apps that can be installed and managed on the TV

Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus)

An upgraded version of VIA, found on Vizio TVs released between 2013 and 2017

Allows installation and management of apps directly on the TV

Understanding the platform your Vizio Smart TV is running on will help you navigate the app management process more effectively.

Preparing Your Vizio Smart TV for App Management

Before you dive into sorting out apps on your Vizio Smart TV, make sure everything’s set up right. This means doing two things: making sure the software running on your TV is the latest version and getting to know how to use the Vizio remote.

First off, it’s super important to check that your smart TV has got all its updates. These updates can fix problems and even make managing apps or using the TV better overall. You can find out if there are any updates by talking to customer support for Vizio or just following what your TV screen says.

Next up, get comfortable with using the Vizion remote control because it’s key for moving around in menus, going back home from wherever you are, or dealing with apps directly on your smart TV. Knowing which button does what will help a lot when you’re trying to take off apps from your TV.

After these steps are done, you’ll be all good to go ahead and start cleaning up those unwanted applications from your Vizo Smart TV.

Ensuring Your TV’s Firmware is Up to Date

Keeping your Vizio Smart TV’s firmware updated is key to making sure everything runs smoothly, especially when it comes to managing apps. These updates bring important fixes for bugs, security improvements, and other enhancements that can make your TV work better.

To see if your Vizio Smart TV has the latest firmware update:

  1. Hit the Menu button on your remote.
  2. Go into System Settings.
  3. Choose Check for Updates.
  4. Follow what’s shown on the screen if there’s an update ready to install.

For any problems you run into updating the firmware, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Vizio’s customer support team. They’re there to help walk you through updating and sort out any snags along the way.

By keeping up with these updates, you’ll ensure a top-notch app experience on your smart TV from Vizio

Familiarizing Yourself with the Vizio Remote Control

Getting to know your Vizio remote control is key when you want to handle apps on your smart TV. With the remote, getting to the home screen and messing around with the apps becomes a breeze.

On this remote, you’ll find all sorts of buttons that help manage your apps. There’s usually a button that takes you straight home, arrows for moving around, an OK button for selecting things, and even special buttons just for adding or removing apps or checking for updates.

By spending some time learning what each button does, managing your TV app will be much simpler. This means if any unwanted apps are cluttering up your Vizio Smart TV; getting rid of them won’t be hard at all.

After you’ve got the hang of using the remote control well enough; then it’s time to dive into how exactly one goes about deleting those unnecessary applications from their television.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Apps from Your Vizio Smart TV

After getting your Vizio Smart TV all setup and becoming comfortable with the remote, it’s time to learn how to delete apps you don’t want anymore. The way you do this can change based on what kind of system your TV uses.

We’re going to walk through the steps for getting rid of apps on different types of Vizio TVs – whether that’s a SmartCast TV, one with Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus), or one using the original Vizio Internet Apps (VIA). Just find the instructions that match what your TV has, and follow them. That way, removing any unwanted apps will be a breeze.

Let’s start by focusing on how to remove apps from Vizo SmartCast TVs.

Removing Apps on Vizio SmartCast TVs

If you’ve got a Vizio SmartCast TV and want to tidy up your home screen by getting rid of apps you don’t use, it’s a bit different from how things work on other Vizio TVs. With SmartCast TVs, you can’t just add or remove apps whenever you feel like it because they come pre-installed and focus more on casting.

Here’s what to do if unwanted apps are cluttering up your space:

  • First off, make sure the mobile device that has the app (like Netflix or YouTube) is using the same Wi-Fi network as your SmartCast TV.
  • Then open that app on your phone or tablet.
  • Inside the app, tap on the Cast icon – it looks kind of like a little signal broadcasting.
  • You’ll see a list pop up; choose your Vizio SmartCast TV from this list.
  • Doing this will start showing the app right there on your TV screen.
  • Now for removing: If an app’s been cast but now sits unused taking valuable real estate in front of all those cat videos? Just take it off from where devices get cast in settings.

By sticking with these steps, cleaning out those no-longer-needed apps from both Vizio smart cast tvs’ views becomes straightforward. This way keeps everything looking neat and ensures only favorites stay within easy reach right at the home screen.

Deleting Apps on Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus)

If you’ve got a Vizio TV that uses the VIA Plus platform, getting rid of apps you don’t want is pretty straightforward. This system lets you add and manage apps directly.

Here’s how to delete unwanted apps from your home screen on a Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA Plus) TV:

  1. Hit the V button twice on your remote to bring up the Fullscreen VIA Plus Apps Window.
  2. In this window, under the My Apps tab, all your current apps are listed.
  3. To find an app to delete, look through sections like Featured, Latest, All Apps, or Categories.
  4. Use your remote’s arrow keys to highlight the app you’re planning to remove.
  5. Press the yellow button on your remote next.
  6. A menu will pop up; choose “Delete App” from it.
  7. 7: Confirm by pressing “OK.”
  8. 8: And just like that, the app disappears from your home screen.

By doing these steps one by one, you can easily clean out any unwanted applications off of your Vizio TV, making sure only what matters stays right there with internet access at hand

How to Remove Apps on Vizio Internet Apps (VIA) Platform

If you’ve got a Vizio TV that uses the Vizio Internet Apps (VIA) platform and there are some apps you don’t want anymore, getting rid of them is pretty straightforward. The VIA system lets you add or get rid of apps easily.

Here’s how to delete unwanted apps from your Vizio TV:

  1. Hit the V button on your remote to see the home screen.
  2. Go for “CONNECTED TV STORE” in the menu.
  3. Pick “All Apps” out of what’s available.
  4. Scroll until you find the app that doesn’t belong anymore and highlight it.
  5. Press OK on your remote, which will give you options like installing or uninstalling that app.
  6. Choose “Delete App,” then hit “OK” again to make sure it goes away for good.
  7. 7 . Just like that, no more unwanted apps cluttering up your home screen.

By doing these steps, managing and removing those not-needed-anymore apps from your Vizio TV becomes a breeze, keeping only what matters most right at hand on your internet-connected device’s home screen

Troubleshooting Common Issues When Removing Apps

Taking off apps from your Vizio Smart TV should be easy, but sometimes you might run into a few bumps. Here’s how to smooth things out and make sure getting rid of apps goes without a hitch.

  • With restarting your TV: A quick reboot can fix small problems with apps. Just turn your TV off, unplug it for a bit, then plug it back in.
  • By checking the internet connection: Make sure your smart TV is hooked up to reliable internet. If the net’s slow or dropping out, managing apps can be tricky.
  • Through resetting to factory settings: When nothing else works, going back to square one by resetting your Vizio TV could do the trick. Remember though; this wipes everything on your TV so think it through before you do.

Stick with these steps if you’re having trouble removing an app from your Vizio Smart TV and they should help sort things right out

What to Do If an App Won’t Delete

Sometimes, you might run into trouble when trying to remove an app from your Vizio Smart TV. Here’s what you can do about it.

First off, make sure you’re doing it the right way by checking the steps for removing apps on your particular model of Vizio TV. Look back at the instructions we went over earlier to confirm you’ve got them right.

If that doesn’t work and the app still sticks around:

  • Try turning off your smart TV and then turn it back on before attempting to delete the app once more.
  • With updates often fixing bugs, see if there are any available for your TV and get those installed.
  • For help tailored to what’s happening with your specific situation, getting in touch with customer support is a good move. They’re there to walk you through figuring things out step-by-step until everything’s sorted.

By sticking with these suggestions and reaching out for help when needed, getting rid of unwanted apps should be no big deal.

Resolving Errors During App Deletion

When you’re trying to delete an app on your Vizio Smart TV and run into problems, there are a few things you can do. First off, make sure your internet connection is good because if it’s not, that might be why you’re having trouble.

If the problem doesn’t go away:

  1. Give restarting your smart TV a shot and then try deleting the app once more.
  2. Look for any updates for your TV’s software and get them installed.
  3. If nothing else works, consider resetting your TV back to how it came from the factory. Remember though, this will wipe everything off of your TV so think about it before doing it.

Should these steps not fix the issue, reaching out to Vizio customer support would be wise as they can offer help tailored specifically to what’s going wrong with deleting apps or other issues on their TVs

Alternative Ways to Manage Apps on Your Vizio Smart TV

If you want to find different ways to handle apps on your Vizio Smart TV, there are a few choices out there. With the SmartCast mobile app from Vizio, you can easily control and organize your TV’s apps right from your phone or tablet. On top of that, using external gadgets like Apple devices or Samsung ones gives you more options for app features. These alternatives make it simpler and more convenient to manage the apps on your smart TV.

Using Vizio’s SmartCast Mobile App for App Management

For those who find it easier to handle apps on their Vizio Smart TV, the SmartCast mobile app is a great tool. It lets you take charge of your TV’s apps right from your phone or tablet. With this app, scrolling through available apps, adding new ones, and getting rid of any unwanted apps from your home screen becomes super simple.

The interface of the app is user-friendly, making it straightforward for you to tweak your selection of apps as you like. All you need to do is make sure that both your mobile device and smart TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network; then just fire up the SmartCast app and manage away!

Leveraging External Devices for Additional Apps

Besides the cool stuff your Vizio Smart TV comes with, you can use extra gadgets to make watching apps even better. For instance, if you’ve got Apple gear like an iPhone or iPad, there’s this thing called AirPlay that lets you show whatever’s on your device right onto your Vizio TV. This means all the fun apps and shows from your Apple devices can be enjoyed on a bigger screen.

On top of that, for those who have Samsung tech, there’s something similar called Smart View which does pretty much the same thing – it mirrors what’s on your Samsung phone or tablet onto your smart TV. By using these options with external devices such as Apple devices and Samsung, you’re giving yourself more ways to manage and enjoy different apps and content through Vizio TV.


Wrapping things up, getting good at handling apps on your Vizio Smart TV can make watching stuff a lot better. By knowing what kind of TV you have, keeping its software up to date, and having a clear plan for getting rid of apps you don’t need anymore, you can keep everything tidy.

Figuring out how to fix usual problems and looking into different ways to manage your apps gives you more options too. With the tips from this guide, managing the app world on your smart TV will be a breeze.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I Reinstall an App After Removing It from My Vizio Smart TV?

For sure, if you’ve taken off an app from your Vizio Smart TV, getting it back is no sweat. Just head over to the app store or dive into the SmartCast platform. From there, look up the app you’re missing and hit the steps to install it again. This way, any apps you’ve said goodbye to but want back in your life can be easily added once more on your smart TV through either the Smartcast platform or directly via the app store specific for Vizio TVs.

Why Can’t I Find the App I Want to Delete?

Sometimes, when you can’t spot the app you’re aiming to remove from your Vizio Smart TV, it might be because the app comes pre-installed and isn’t meant to be deleted. In situations like this, reaching out to Vizio’s customer support could help or looking into other ways of managing apps on your smart TV might do the trick.

What Should I Do If My Vizio Smart TV Is Running Slow After Deleting Apps?

If your Vizio Smart TV isn’t working as fast as it should, even after you’ve removed some apps, there are several things you can do to fix it. Starting, give restarting your TV a shot and see if that makes any difference. If not much changes, take a look at your internet connection to make sure it’s reliable.

Another option is to reset your smart TV back to its original factory settings; just remember this will wipe out all the data and adjustments you’ve made. Should these steps not solve the problem, reaching out for help from Vizio’s customer support would be a good next move.

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